
Back behind bars

Investigating officer Esmerald Bailey testified that Rodrigues had breached her bail conditions by sending SMSes to baby Jordan's parents, Neil Wilson and Natasha Norton on July 18,19 and 23. The sms Neil received led Neil to believe she was an old friend (Kate) and suggested that they meet for coffee at Canal Walk. Apparently when Neil Wilson arrived there he received an SMS: saying "F***. You are more stupid than we thought. Compliments of Villagers Rugby team. You have messed with the wrong girl. We told Dina to get rid of you but she didn't listen ... Start praying Dumb F***. U can go home now."

The investigating officer Esmeralda Bailey also told the court that Dinas' fingerprint was found on the waybill which accompanied the fake parcel which the robbers pretended to deliver to the Nortons home. Bailey also testified that a Nokia cellphone confiscated from Dina was used to call her co-accused Mfazwe.

Bailey said that Rodrigues had phone Mfazwe on June the 15th which was the day baby Jordan was murdered. On July the 26th the same cellphone which belongs to Dina was used to phone Mfazwe, but he was in custody at the time and his phone was in Baileys' possession and on voicemail.

Bailey said that earlier confessions made by 3 of the men implcating Dina as the "white woman" who hired them to kill baby Jordan was unavailable at the time when Dina was granted bail. Dinas attorney Van der Berg told Bailey that Mfazwe has said that he did not know Dina and had not seem her until the day they shared the dock.

Van der Berg said the 4 men would challenge their confessions and plead Not Guilty in the High Court.

On 23rd September 2005 Dina Rodrigues' bail was revoked and she was put back behind bars.

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